Chapter 1: Introduction: Networking and collaboration: a new model for educational improvement?, - PART 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND: Chapter 2: Networking and collaboration as a public policy framework, - Chapter 3: Localised theories of networking and collaboration, - Chapter 4: Societal theories of networking and collaboration, - Chapter 5: Towards a typology of educational networks, - PART 2: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Chapter 6: Federations of schools, - Chapter 7: Networked Learning Communities, - Chapter 8: Specialist Schools Support Network, - Chapter 9: Multiagency collaboration, - PART 3: SUCCESSFUL COLLABORATION, - Chapter 10: Successful networking: in-school conditions, - Chapter 11: Successful networking: external conditions, - Chapter 12: Leading networks and collaboratives, - Chapter 13: When (not) to network, - Chapter 14: