Un programa de 21 d as basado en la neurociencia para mejorar nuestra relaci n con la comida de la mano de Judson Brewer, psiquiatra de fama mundial especializado en adicciones y autor bestseller.
Come esto y no aquello, cuenta las calor as, haz m s ejercicio, esfu rzate... Cu ntos de estos mensajes diet ticos nos han hecho sentir culpables por nuestra dificultad a la hora de gestionar nuestra forma de comer? Basado en m s de veinte a os de investigaci n cl nica y en la amplia experiencia del doctor Judson Brewer, Comer sin hambre es el m todo m s sencillo y eficaz para mejorar nuestra alimentaci n.
Recurriendo al poder de la curiosidad y la autoconciencia, el acreditado programa de 21 d as del doctor Brewer nos ayudar a reparar nuestra relaci n con la comida, a reiniciar nuestros detonantes alimentarios, a crear nuevos h bitos y a resolver cualquier cuesti n personal de autoestima, ansiedad, verg enza, ira o estr s. Tambi n nos ense ar a trabajar con nuestro cerebro en lugar de luchar contra los antojos, y descubriremos c mo aceptar las reca das y c mo dejar de juzgarnos para adoptar una actitud m s amable con nosotros mismos.
Comer sin hambre no es un libro de dietas: si comemos por estr s, si nos damos atracones, si comemos en exceso o si tenemos cualquier otro mal h bito, esta obra nos presenta una nueva manera de relacionarnos con la comida fomentada en la libertad y la ligereza que provienen del bienestar interior. El doctor Brewer nos descubre el ant doto definitivo a las dietas y al sentimiento de culpa hacia la comida.
A program proven to heal our relationship with food and our bodies from New York Times bestselling author of Unwinding Anxiety.
Sometimes it feels as if there are as many ways to struggle with food as there are foods to eat. Craving, habit, emotions, boredom, stress, anxiety, or just the simple fact that a box of donuts seems to be omnipresent in the break room (free food ) can lead to feeling out of control around food. While anxiety feels like something that happens to us, the pull of food seems like something we should be able to handle. After all, we have to eat But it's not that simple. The result of this constant struggle--and then giving in or giving up--is a toxic cocktail of shame and self-judgment that makes it feel like it is impossible to change our behavior.
The Hunger Habit is based on Judson Brewer's deeply researched plan proven to help us understand what is going on in our brains so that we can heal the guilt and frustration we experience around eating. This is not a diet book pretending not to be a diet book. The step-by-step program focuses on training our brains to tap into awareness to change our relationship with food and eating--shifting it from fighting with ourselves to befriending our minds and bodies. There is no willpower, calorie-counting, or restricted eating. Setbacks are a good thing The key is to learn how to work with our brains rather than resisting our impulses, and to adopt an attitude of self-kindness rather than self-judgment.
Grounded in cutting-edge neuroscience and Brewer's several decades of clinical practice as a psychiatrist, The Hunger Habit is both accessible and compassionate. It will finally help you break out of food jail and reclaim your life.