"Alvin Schorr's book is recommended highly as a collection of five exceptionally well-written, thoughtful, and extensively documented policy essays."--Alfred J. Kahn, Social Work
"A wide-ranging, well-informed review. . . . It exposes readers to a rich amount of material and to a modern, liberal perspective on how to move the country toward a more humane society."--Robert I. Lerman, Political Science Quarterly
"Schorr's agenda deserves serious consideration in future debates on national social policy."--Library Journal
"After Reagan, in a political climate more receptive to sensible social policy, liberals will badly need clearly articulated goals and technically sound devices to achieve them. Alvin Schorr's stress upon full employment and universal benefits is admirably complemented by ingenious new devices and careful estimates of their cost. Here is a realistic social agenda for the Democratic party's 1988 presidential campaign."--Robert Lekachman, Professor of Economics, Herbert Lehman College, City University of New York