Communication is an important tool for increasing productivity and promoting great relationships across all levels of an organization. Employers who invest their resources in building an effective communication system will quickly earn their employee's trust which results in increased productivity and business growth. Similarly, employees who are good at communicating with fellow workers, management, and customers, become valuable to the company, and additionally, this skill fast tracks them to success. Poor communication only leads to disillusioned employees who slowly but irreversibly lose their faith in both the employer and the company, thus resulting loss of staff, and decreased productivity. Effective communication helps in creating strong teams. Nothing worth achieving as a company is ever created by a single person. It's all about teamwork. Thanks to effective communication, the team can draw close together, and accomplish its objectives in time. Effective communication also promotes innovation. When there are clear channels of passing messages across to relevant parties, a powerful idea won't just sink away, but it is harnessed.