This book provides a detailed analysis of the changes made to the entire EU framework for telecoms regulation in 2003, along with the functional separation of BT in 2005 and the creation of Openreach.
Other important acts and directives are also examined, including: The five EU directives (Framework, Access, Universal Service, Authorisation, Data Protection in Electronic Commerce); The 2003 Communications Act; The 2007 Audiovisual Media Services Directive; Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 Communications Law Handbook will help aid all those who need to research any aspect of telecoms, communications or content regulation in the UK. It includes many practical examples of the law's application as well as: An explanation and examination of the legal basis by which Openreach has been set up (the "undertakings"); A detailed table of every Competition Act complaint considered by OFCOM since its inception and its result; Coverage of the forthcoming changes to the EU telecoms regulatory framework; A complete list of the results of all of OFCOM's market reviews, and the consequential conditions imposed on operators with "significant market power"; A detailed description of the regulation of spectrum in the UK. Contents: Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Data Protection and Privacy, Chapter 3: Ofcom General Conditions of Authorisation, Chapter 4: Specific Conditions, Chapter 5: The Undertakings, Chapter 6: Content Regulation, Chapter 7: Wireless Technology, Chapter 8: Powers and DutiesRelated Subjects