Become a Dominant Predator in today'sdog-eat-dog sales environment
There's a hard fact that we all have toface: Buyers have evolved. They'vebecome shopaholics. They almostnever consider a single vendor when makinga buying decision. Instead, they call you--and your competitors--and choose frommultiple options. They know that pitting youagainst your competition always works totheir benefit.
In today's sales environment, only the strongestand smartest live to sell another day.Master sales strategist Landy Chase callsthese top performers dominant predators--salespeople who consistently win business, at higher prices, by crushing the competitionat every turn. He knows exactly how they do itbecause he's the one who teaches them howto do it. Now, it's your turn.
In Competitive Selling, Chase reveals themaster strategy of the dominant predator, offering a proven, step-by-step process forentering the fray as a prepared and confidentwarrior. You'll learn how to: Identify your competition before meetingwith the buyerOpen competitive selling opportunitiesOut-flank your competitors using theClient Needs AnalysisEliminate competitors withoutbadmouthing themStand out to the decision makersWin sales even as the higher-priced option
It's a jungle out there. The goal in today'swinner-take-all world of selling is to makeevery selling opportunity an unfair fight--inyour favor. You have to adapt to yoursurroundings and take control of your environment.Be assured, your competitors areout there trying to do the same thing.Competitive Selling provides the techniquesand skills for seizing the advantage beforethey even see you coming.