Confluence: The Story of Greeley Water covers 150 years of a modern water utility which began with a single irrigation ditch in 1870. Today, the system provides award-winning water to over 140,000 people, and takes water from four different river basins in Colorado. It is a water system with a rich heritage in Colorado and the West.
It is a story of the people who developed and impacted water law, engineering, and agriculture on the semi-arid plains of the Front Range. Native Americans, fur trappers, and Army expeditions were the first to arrive, followed by irrigators and permanent homesteaders. Soon to follow would be the Union Colonists, a group of utopian-seeking settlers who had organized in New York City in 1869. They were looking for good ground, reliable water, and new homes.
Follow the chronicles of Delph Carpenter, Milton Seaman, W.D. Farr, and others as we learn of the trials and challenges of these extraordinary people. Their efforts, combined with the dedicated leadership of city officials, board members, and water and sewer department staff, provided the foundation for today's Greeley Water system. We hope you enjoy this incredible journey.
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