Ever since she was a little girl in Mexico, Juana Ines de la Cruz showed great interest in books and learning. And that was back when women were not usually allowed to study Juana decided to become a nun to be able to read and learn all that she wanted. But that wasn't the only thing she achieved: she also wrote a lot and even ended up publishing several books. Today, centuries later, her works are still read and studied, and she is considered one of the most important Spanish-language writers of all time.
Desde muy peque a, la mexicana Juana In s de la Cruz mostr un gran inter s por los libros y por el saber. En una poca en la que a las mujeres no se les permit a estudiar mucho Juana decidi hacerse monja para poder leer y aprender todo lo que quisiera. Pero eso no fue lo nico que logr tambi n escribi mucho y hasta lleg a publicar varios libros. Hoy, siglos despu s, sus obras todav a se leen y se estudian, y es considerada una de las m s importantes escritoras en lengua espa ola de todos los tiempos.