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"If you live gladly to make others glad in God, your life will be hard, your risks will be high, and your joy will be full."
The American Dream beckons people to spend their lives on trivial diversions, slipping through life caught up with seeking success, comfort, and pleasure above all else. But God designed people for far more than this.
In this best-selling book, John Piper makes a passionate plea to the next generation to avoid the dangers of a wasted life, calling us to take risks and make sacrifices that matter for eternity--with a single, soul-satisfying passion for the glory of God that seeks to make much of him in every sphere of our lives.
Hard hitting thoughts. Chapters three and four were hard for me to understand but seven and eight made up for it. I am not young, but the book hit home for me too. It inspired me. Loved some of the previous reviews and I will read another Piper book.
It seems that Christian publishers tend to simultaneously release books that deal with similar themes (work of the Holy Spirit, grace, etc.). The latest trend appears to be on rising above the ordinary and living passionately for Christ. "Don't Waste Your Life" is a stand-out book among this crowd. John Piper is one of the giants of modern Christian writing, and this book is another showcase of his gifts. Movies and TV series...
Piper is the C.S. Lewis of our time. He writes another amazing book with this latest effort. Piper posits that we waste our life unless we live with a single passion to enjoy and display God's glory in all things for the joy of all peoples. Piper explains how we can magnify Christ through pain and death, taking risks for the kingdom, making others glad in God, and making much of Christ in all spheres of life, even at work...
I agree with the gist of the other reviewers.I would also like to add that this book is probably a bit more hard hitting than his other stuff. He comes right out and calls people to bigger and better things. I can imagine some people actually being offended by some things that he says - that simply going to work and raising your kids aren't all that God has called you to. There's a great calling to consider cross-cultural...
Those familiar with Piper have come to expect Scripture saturated pleadings to readers to find their ultimate fulfillment and joy in "all that God is for us in Christ." For those unfamiliar with Piper, he is a passionate writer and pastor who spurs his readers to greater depths of devotion to God and sacrificial living. He is typically motivating and convicting. In this book, short by Piper's standards, he drives home the...