As long as animals and humans have roamed the Earth, our moon has captivated their attention and their imagination. That celestial body that sometimes conceals all but a thin sliver of itself from us, then slowly grows into a luminescent globe, gently soaks the night sky its soft blue-white glow. When it is not hiding behind a curtain of clouds, the moon reveals its battered and wrinkled surface to us. In those craters, folds and crevices, mystery lurks. Author Juan discovered that by concentrating long and hard enough he began to discern figures in the shadows of the moon. Some of them became apparent only with the aid of a mirror image. The shapes and patterns that materialized for him include symbolism from ancient Greek and Aztec mythology, from the Christian Bible and even from celestial bodies. As children we learned about "the man in the moon," which emerges from the contours of the plateaus and lower regions, called "seas." People's cultures and geographic location influence the symbolism that they perceive. By looking carefully at the moon's surface, Juan has seen John the Baptist, the Archangel Michael, the woman of the apocalypse, a caduceus, star constellations, and even the Taj Mahal. Juan invites you to join in his explorations, which he hopes will inspire you to discover the imagery that waits, camouflaged on the surface of the moon.
La luna nos ha cautivado atraves de los a?os, es una de las unicas cosas que han estado presentes a lo largo de la historia mundial y en la forma que cada cultura la ha observado puede que se encuentren algunos de los secretos m?s antiguos de la humanidad.