This book contains an exchange between mother and son. It was the idea of the mother to invite her son to a conversation 'on paper'. She liked the idea and thought that it would be an interesting journey to see how she, as a woman of 70, would express her thoughts compared to the ideas of her 41 year old son expressed on the same topics. The wide range of topics includes 22 chapters. To mention a few, we see them dive into the encounter of daily activities, disillusions in the form of inner pain, how grace is woven through life, how endurance calls them into the rediscovery of strength, how tenderness embraces their souls, how intention plays an important role, how the past keeps knocking on today's door, how the mystery keeps them alert, how gratitude graces their lives with its rewarding smile, how the ups and downs are a natural phenomenon in life, how inspiration guides them, and how waiting can be experienced and seen in a gentle way, etc. etc.
They not only just write about these subjects, but quite often it is interspersed by beautiful poems. Both are poets in their own right. It allows for a deeper insight into their individual souls to delve into the melody of their poetic words.
It is a unique communication between two souls, who happen to be mother and son. Through this beautiful project, they once again discover how their souls are deeply connected and their hearts richly strewn by an intense love for each other.