A newer edition of this book is available. The 5th ed. is ISBN 0735556660. Published 04/13/2006.
A agree with the previous comment, this book does have a strong MBCA focus but it does frequently reference Delaware law as well as occasionally some other states. This is an excellent study aid, I used to prepare for my corporations exam, but I wish I had been more diligent about reading it throughout the year as we were studying various subjects, no doubt my class would have made much more sense. Corporations has thus far...
I write mainly to note that the book focuses almost exclusively on the Model Business Corporation Act, with only occasional references to Deleware or other state law. If your course has a similar focus, then this is a solid book that progresses well and lets you test you knowledge along the way. But if your class, like mine, focuses mainly on Deleware law, this book will prove significantly less useful. The book will often...
I highly recommend this book. Solomon and Palmiter, following in the tradition of Glannon's Civil Procedure, make corporations law accessible.