In this six-week video study, Unwavering, Stasi Eldredge draws powerful lessons from her book, Defiant Joy, to help us defy, resist, and oppose the powers that threaten to destroy our souls and steal our joy.
For instance, we may be whiplashed by an unexpected crisis. The man controlled by a legion of demons cried out to Jesus, "Why are you interfering with me?" Sometimes, that's just what Jesus does, especially when our great crisis happens in the very place we don't want Jesus messing with. Jesus interferes with us because he wants to restore to us the joy of knowing who we really are.
Or, fear may have gripped us, causing us to bury our dreams. But we are not meant to live in a tomb. Jesus called to Lazarus, "Come out " and he shed his graveclothes and left his tomb behind. Our callings are needed in the world; they are not to be buried under the burdens of others' demands or judgments.
Sad endings can also make us waver, from loss or hopelessness. When we study the lessons of nature, we can see how the cycle of endings lead to beginnings, and it helps us cultivate a heart of gratitude. Like Joshua at Gilgal, we can set up stones of remembrance to recall God's faithfulness, and use times of ending to express thankfulness and unlock joy.
Throughout this study, Stasi teaches us how to remain unwavering in the face of numbing loneliness, unexpected crisis, gripping fear, desolate waiting, sad endings, and hurtful offense. God means for us to have joy--a joy from him that is defiant in the face of this broken world.
In this study guide, participants take notes on the video teaching, study passages from Scripture, examine Biblical examples and apply them to their lives through meaningful discussion. Between sessions, there are personal exercises to complete, including reading and journaling about excerpts from Defiant Joy, reflective times of listening to worship songs, and practicing contemplative prayer.
Sessions include:
A Reason to CelebrateGodly InterferenceGreener GrassExpectant HopeCultivating JoyThe Ultimate VictoryDesigned for use with Unwavering Video Study (9780310096924), sold separately.