Why waste your time chasing after prospects when you can get them to come to you?
Most self-proclaimed rainmakers let business drizzle in rather than positioning themselves to experience a downpour. Courting Business gives you the strategies for getting prospects to contact you. Ann Marie Sabath's proven three-step strategy will inspire you to be creative, consistent, and politely relentless in a way that will please even the toughest prospects. This hands-on guide offers tips and techniques for successfully attracting and closing business.
With Courting Business, you'll:
Discover the three most important qualities for success.See why if you're on time, you're late Realize how instilling the sense of urgency in your professional style will differentiate you from your competition.Learn why doing more for fewer people will assist you in developing stronger relationships.Establish instant rapport with prospects and clients through the use of connectors.Learn how to overcome the fear of rejection.Figure out how to turn a "no" today into a "yes" tomorrow.And much more