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Business Business & Finance Business & Investing Business Communication Communications Economics Entrepreneurship Feminist Theory Human Resources & Personnel Management Industries & Professions Management Management & Leadership Skills Small Business & Entrepreneurship Social Sciences Textbooks Women & Business Women's StudiesFascinating story about the history of technology and capital markets. More fun than most books I've read, it's like riding a roller-coaster through history. By giving us a detailed account of how these areas are interwoven, Kessler also looks to the future - showing how important it is for America (and the world) to make smart decisions that will lead to further advances. Chris "SparkGuy" Downie SparkPeople Founder & ...
Kessler has the unique ability to tie the history of finance, technology, and Wall Street shenanigans into a great tale. This book would make a great introductory textbook for highschool and college students about "How We Got There". The book is a fun read, and I learned a great deal about history. The underlying cautionary tale is to remember nothing is new, history just repeats itself; the same mistakes about "this time...
In his last book, "Running Money" Andy Kessler underscored his arguments with breezy historical accounts that demonstrated the quirks of history and what made the industrial revolution go. "How We Got Here" is a book length version of that history and pulls it more fully what has been happening to intellectual property and capital markets during the past decade. Kessler tells these stories because he wants his readers to...
I had a hard time putting this book down after I started reading it. There was one fact after another concerning major technological leaps, how they were manipulated by influential people of their day. and how they subsequently affected the lives of everyone. The book is very easy to read, which is amazing considering the vast subject coverage. The author has a great sense of humor and a great grasp of history. This is...
Andy Kessler tells it like it is and was. This book is one of the most enlightening and entertaining books on the history of technology. But more importantly he combines technology and finance - you get a much more clear understanding of why and how things evolved. It is a must read for anybody interested in how the world works, and how it might evolve in the future. I was pleasantly surprised that I learned some things...