First published in French in 1907, Henri Bergson's L'évolution créatrice is a scintillating and radical work by one of the great French philosophers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This outstanding new translation, the first for over a hundred years, brings...
The most famous and influential work of distinguished French philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941), Creative Evolution features the fullest expression of the philosopher's ideas about the problem of existence, propounding a theory of evolution completely distinct from these of...
Creative Evolution By Henri Bergson Translated by Arthur Mitchell The history of the evolution of life, incomplete as it yet is, already reveals to us how the intellect has been formed, by an uninterrupted progress, along a line which ascends through...
First published in French in 1907, Henri Bergson's L'?volution cr?atrice is a scintillating and radical work by one of the great French philosophers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This outstanding new translation, the first for over a hundred years, brings...
La evoluci n creadora: la distinci n entre lo org nico y lo inorg nico. El repaso de las teor as evolutivas y su proposici n. La conciencia se impone a la materia, la duraci n como trazo de uni n. En este libro Bergson hace acopio de algunas de las ideas m s importantes en torno...
Creative Evolution was published in 1907, and translated into English in 1911. In it, Henri Bergson proposes a version of orthogenesis in place of Charles Darwin's mechanism of evolution, suggesting that evolution is motivated by an lan vital, a "vital impetus," that can...
Henri Bergson was a French-Jewish philosopher and Nobel Prize winner in Literature, whose third major work, "Creative Evolution", provided an alternate explanation for Darwin's mechanism of evolution. First published in French in 1907 and translated into English in 1911,...
Creative Evolution is a 1907 book by French philosopher Henri Bergson. Its English translation appeared in 1911. The book provides an alternate explanation for Darwin's mechanism of evolution, suggesting that evolution is motivated by an lan vital, a "vital impetus" that can...
This collection chronicles the fiction and non fiction classics by the greatest writers the world has ever known. The inclusion of both popular as well as overlooked pieces is pivotal to providing a broad and representative collection of classic works.
Henri Bergson (1859-1941) was a French philosopher and Nobel Prize winner in Literature, whose third major work, "Creative Evolution", provided an alternate explanation for Darwin's mechanism of evolution. The book focuses on four key steps: that there must be a vital impulse...
Bergson d bat de l'explication finaliste et de l'explication m caniste de l' volution, respectivement d fendues par la m taphysique traditionnelle (h rit e de Leibniz et, avant lui, d'Aristote et mettant l'accent sur les causes finales, ou buts) et par la science moderne (h rit...
"L'Evolution cr?atrice" par Henri Bergson. Henri Bergson ?tait un philosophe fran?ais, prix Nobel de litt?rature (1859-1941).
Creative Evolution, originally published in 1911 by Henry Holt and Company, is the work which catapulted Bergson from obscurity into world-wide fame. A study of the philosophical implications of biological evolutionary theory, the impact of this book reached far beyond...
The history of the evolution of life, incomplete as it yet is, already reveals to us how the intellect has been formed, by an uninterrupted progress, along a line which ascends through the vertebrate series up to man. It shows us in the faculty of understanding an appendage of...
Henri Bergson (1859-1941) is one of the truly great philosophers of the modernist period, and there is currently a major renaissance of interest in his unduly neglected texts and ideas amongst philosophers, literary theorists, and social theorists. Creative Evolution (1907) is...
Creative Evolution is a 1907 book by French philosopher Henri Bergson. Its English translation appeared in 1911. The book provides an alternate explanation for Darwin's mechanism of evolution, suggesting that evolution is motivated by an ?lan vital, a "vital impetus" that...