It's time for you to become Credit Wise and Clean Up Your Credit Today If your credit is bad, or there are errors on your credit report, know that you are not alone and there is something you can do to improve your credit score. Many people face or will face credit problems.Do you know that nearly 70% of credit reports contain errors? A low credit score can hurt your chances of qualifying for a credit card, mortgage, or any other kind of loan. It can even affect your chances of renting an apartment or getting and keeping a job.But there is hope. Your bad credit report can almost always be improved or corrected. Without fluff, Credit Wise will show you how to fix your credit situation and put your credit problems behind you.You will learn how credit works and how to get the reporting bureaus and creditors to remove negative items from your report. Credit Wise provides complete information on the following: -Basics of how credit reporting works-How to get copies of your reports-The laws that will help you fix your credit-Understanding your report-The 12 Steps to Repairing Your Credit-And much moreHaving good credit is a necessity in today's economy. Credit Wise is an indispensable, easy to read, and use guide that will help you get your personal credit in order.
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