The E & E series is very helpful in prepping for exams. The summaries and charts make great aids in outlining. Debating the hypos on my own and with my study group really helped. Most exams are essay responses to hypotheticals, so the book prepares you well.
I bought this book because of the reviews that says how helpful it is to law students as they prepare for final exams. I believe it's reputation precedes itself. I just bought this book two months ago and had my boyfriend send it to me to the Philippines. I haven't finished reading it yet. That would be almost impossible. But with every page I read, I understand a little bit more about Criminal Law to prep me for law school...
I have analyzed a lot about the way these reviews work. It is important to pay attention to the review date, and the edition release up top. You'll find reviews of older editions on newer editions pages which isn't fair. All-in-all the newer editions are incredible. It is worth giving them a shot. I swear people go into these with the wrong attitudes--they want it all on a silver platter. If you want to be lazy and skip...
This book is not really as difficult to find as stated in the description. It is available through the publisher, as are all of the examples and explanation series books. These books are helpful using plain English explanations. Highly recommended for the "Pre" first year law student who wants to get a "jump" on the subjects.
This book was extrodinarily helpful in breaking down complex subjects into understandable pieces of information. Great buy.