This book introduces the Certified Heritage Consultant (CHC) and Certified Curriculum Architect (CCA), two new professions that represent a pioneering approach to integrating cultural heritage and learning. It provides a unified framework, establishes professional standards, and outlines clear learning paths for aspiring professionals. By bridging the gap between traditional disciplines, the CHC and CCA professions offer a more holistic and adaptable approach to address the challenges and opportunities of cultural heritage and learning in the 21st century.
Key terms: Cultural heritage, Curriculum design, Museum studies, Education, Learning, History, Interpretation, Preservation, Technology, Community engagement, Collaboration, Innovation, Leadership, Professional development, Ethics Specific topics: Museum exhibits, Curriculum models, Instructional design, Learning theories, Assessment, Educational technology, Community outreach, Cultural awareness, Sustainability, Interdisciplinary studies, Great Books, Classical education, Pastoral care Target audience: Museum, professionals, Educators, Curriculum developers, Instructional designers, Librarians, archivists, Historians, Students, Non-profit organizations, Corporate trainers, Community leadersGenre/Category:
EducationCultural heritageMuseum studiesProfessional development