About 4 years into changing her diet and trying other therapies such as acupuncture, chiropratic, and massage, my co-worker with Primary-progressive MS purchased this book. We thought it was fantastic because it reaffirmed the progress she was also having with natural methods. Success isn't overnight but now, into her 7th year she is see tremendous results as Jacque did. Awesome book. We would recommend it highly!Curing...
In '97 I was diagnosed with MS. Someone told me about this book and I ordered it. Its a best buy with the best advise!!! A must read for anyone who seeks to listen to the inner self. Don't do as I did. Read the book and follow it. I wasted a lot of time before I finally followed it and my own inner self to wellness.
This was fantastic. my partner has been diagnosed with ms but chooses not to take medication. this book has helped both of us and has improved his symptoms no end. it is so good to read a book that isn't full of medical terminology but just states things how they are. easy to read, easy to understand and the recipes really do taste good
Jacque Rigg dared to do what the medical establishment tells the patient is iether incorrect or ineffected... taking control of your own health and denying the establishment 16K a year to pay for harmful pharmacueticals. I agree whole heartedly with most of what I have read. I myself refuse to take the medications which cause tremendous side effects, often leading to a host of other illnesses and disorders. I have turned...
Mrs Rigg details her fight with MS. She ultimatly arrives at the conclusion that careful nutrition can positively affect the outcome of her MS. She feels that certain foods are digested better in a particular environment-acidic, basic, and neutral. She assigns foods to these three catergories and cautions the reader about combining them. She feels that we should not mix acidic and basic food categories together, but...