In Cutting Through the B.S. for the LOVE of Network Marketing, Thomas Dubois does just that-cuts through the lies and the hype to explode the wrong expectations, set the right expectations, and give you the tools to set and achieve realistic financial goals in network marketing.
Maybe life hasn't been kind-or maybe you haven't been kind to life-or maybe you've done everything right and you still can't get ahead. Whatever your situation, this book is going to show you how network marketing can provide you with a path that can open up possibilities, even in a life where possibilities have all but dried up.
Join Thomas to discover what you can do to create a sustainable, residual, income in a field that let's just about anyone make a fresh start. After 18 years of addiction, a felony, a failed marriage, and a couple of crashed cars, he now makes a great income doing what he loves and does best: network marketing.