In the early summer of 2020, a young Zoroastrian man from Iran arrives on a beach on the south coast of England among a group of refugees who have just crossed the English Channel from France. Expecting to find himself in a country fabled far and wide for it's history, culture and fairness, Dadafarin instead finds himself thrown into a fractured and unfamiliar world, where Covid-19 and the rise of BLM and gender and identity politics have transformed the social and political landscape beyond his wildest imaginings.
Accommodated at an hotel in Kent, Dadafarin meets his new friend and mentor, Dr Anton Venngloss, chairperson of the charity Justice in Exile. Dr Venngloss helps Dadafarin come to grips with the new social order, so different to what he had imagined. Equipped with his new understanding, Dadafarin (Dada to his friends) soon finds himself immersed in the campaign for social justice. He attends a demonstration, parties with Antifa, and falls in love, with unexpected consequences. A tragedy then leads to a meeting with a rock star and a famous politician, leading to a new opportunity. A satire on modern, "woke" Britain, influenced by Voltaire's satirical novella Candide, ou, L'Optimisme, Dadafarin, or, The Pessimism, is a tale of of our time. Based around real events, Dadafarin of, The Pessimism is a satire on modern Britain, influenced by Voltaire's satirical novella Candide, ou, L'Optimisme (published in 1759). A moving and humorous tale of our times, this new novel tells the story of 2020's Britain through the eyes of an outsider.