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HistoryThe best thing to happen to introductory Physics probabaly since Feynman lectures, the book relies on students thinking out concepts not just commiting formulae to memory. This book is best used by working out everything in detail and solving all the questions if not all the problems.
Being a freshmen of physics major in the first year of my university life, I engaged in three introductory physics courses, namely, mechanics, thermodynamics and optics, and electricity and magnetism. It was a surprise to me that all three courses recommended "Physics" by Resnick and Halliday as textbook. After one year of study, I found reading this book awarding and useful for my later and more in-depth studies. Although...
I used this text for my undergraduate freshman year physics course. This was a recommended text and pretty soon I found out why it was popular with students. I have come across few books with such clarity and depth as this one. The way the material was presented, and the way the ideas were pushed through as well as the pace was as if this book was written with someone like me in mind. An indispensable book for any physics...
one of the best-selling books in South Asia, these books are used for freshman physics in almost every engineering college in Indian sub-continent. Although much simpler is the Serway's book due to high quality paper and computer simulated exemplification; in countries like India where theory is highly emphasized, this book has stood the test of time ! I possess both parts even now and always prefer referring to it than...
I am a Chinese Computer Science student and we use this book for General Physics. After one year of study, I find it a nice book for freshmen. Because the authors take much effort trying to explain more Physics phenomena with less demand of advanced Mathematics, students following the book have the opportunities to acquaint Physics with ease and get much reward. It also covers relatively up-to-date development in applying...