In Dark Oasis, psycho-sleuth Jasun Horsley takes the "method-writer" approach: after succumbing to John de Ruiter's charismatic enchantments and formidable powers of suggestion, he enters all the way inside a murky maze of mind control and soul-subjugations, and makes it out the other side with a hair-whitening story to tell. Dark Oasis recounts how cult mechanics proceed inexorably from covert op to an open "Calling" to coerce and conquer vulnerable women by the dozen, through systematic acts of degradation, leading hundreds of sincere spiritual seekers into a desert of unreality.
From humble pastor to untouchable spiritual capo: John de Ruiter's 25-year reign of cuckoldry, core-rotting deception, rough sex, monster trucks, security cameras, entity possession, NDAs, lawsuits, tax evasion, US entry-bans, high-level paranoia, sexual compromat, spiritualized suicides, velvet-tongued seductions and psychic S & M dungeons, is finally exposed as an empire of self-interest.
"Horsley's painfully honest tale of devotion and deceit shows how cult logic can draw in pretty much anyone. It can happen to you." --Douglas Rushkoff, author, Present Shock and Program or Be Programmed