Are you sure that people around you are telling the truth?
Do you understand their real intentions?
Sometimes you might feel that you are being used or manipulated, but you have trouble recognizing false statements and differentiating between real and fake emotions.
You're absolutely not alone.
Moreover, there are millions of people that suffer from emotional invalidation and narcissistic abuse, and most of them never find the courage to face the problem. People around you don't understand your situation due to the "social mask" of your abuser.
Luckily, you are about to begin a journey into the deepest and most secret areas of the mind which will lead you to perfectly understand effective strategies of manipulation, persuasion, mind control, brainwashing and stonewalling.
You will be able to recognize and avoid manipulative personality types, and use these powerful skills to instantly read body language, influence people and obtain virtually anything you want.
You will learn:
Effective and proven manipulation techniquesNeuro-linguistic programming strategiesHow to instantly read anyone and decode non-verbal communication How to influence people and condition their behavior, manipulating their subconscious mindTips and strategies to defend yourself from manipulators (even if you only learn to defend against ONE of the mental attacks covered in this book, it will be well worth the investment)How to recognize a narcissist BEFORE becoming a victimThe only scientific four-points framework to disarm and devalue a narcissistffective strategies to instantly boost your EQThe covert connection between your emotions and your personal successAnd much much more
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