"Dave Barry is one funny human." -- San Francisco Examiner For thousands of years, women have asked themselves: What is the deal with guys, anyway? What are they thinking? The answer, of course, is: virtually nothing. Deep down inside, guys are extremely shallow. But that has not stopped Dave Barry from writing an entire book about them. If you're a guy--or if you're attempting to share a remote control with one--you need this book, because it deals frankly and semi-thoroughly with such important guy issues as: Scratching The role of guys in world history, including the heretofore-unknown relationship between the discovery of North America and golf Why the average guy can remember who won the 1960 World Series, but not necessarily the names of all his children The Noogie Gene Why guys cannot simultaneously think and look at breasts Secret guy orgasm-delaying techniques, including the Margaret Thatcher Method Why guys prefer to believe that there is no such thing as a prostate And much, much more "Whether you're a guy--or attempting to share a bathroom with one--Barry has some wacky words of wisdom for you." -- USA Today
While reading Dave Barry's Complete Guide To Guys, I laughed so hard that I almost hit my head on a table. The book is essentially a hysterical explanation of all those things related to guys that normal human beings are unaware of. It begins with an introduction that explains the main differences between men, women, and guys. It then goes on to a "Guyness" quiz, in which the reader can determine whether or not he/she is a guy. It then discusses guy contributions to history, which can be summarized as: absolutely nothing. Next, Barry talks about the biological nature of guys, more specifically why they "act like jerks." He goes on further to tell about the social development, and lack of it, for guys. Next he discusses guy problems, guy medical issues, guys and violence, guys in action, etc. Barry covers every aspect of guys possible, and then some. The book is ultimately one of the funniest pieces of literature I have ever read. It is packed full of jokes, puns, one-liners and hysterical footnotes. It is suitable for young adults and older. I would recommend the book for guys, naturally, as the book is the most funny when one can relate to it. I also recommend that non-guys read the book as well, because it offers insight for normal human beings as to the nature of guys and why they act the way they do. In sum, if you're a guy and need a good laugh, then this is most definitely the book for you.
Can a funnier book be found? I think not.
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 24 years ago
This is without a doubt the funniest book I have ever read. Period. And I read a LOT of books.
Possibly the best humor book I have ever read.
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 25 years ago
This was possibly the best humor book I have ever read. It is NOT a collection of previously written columns, so nothing in it can be found elsewhere. I am a Dave Barry fan, but one can like this book without being a fan of his or even without liking humor writing at all.
The Funniest Book in the History of the World!
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 26 years ago
I bought this book to kill time while waiting for my wife to finish shopping. I'm sure the people in the mall coffee shop were certain that I had some severe medical condition that was causing my body to shake and strange noises to be emitted as I tried to keep from laughing hysterically (and I'm not a "laugh out loud" type of guy.)Guys, if you don't see yourself in this book, I would wonder about your sexuality.
Finally! A revelation for those confused about guys!
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 28 years ago
A boisterious and enlightening look at that oh so mysterious world of guys. Ever wanted a book that "deals semi-thoroughly with such important guy issues as: Scratching ... The Noogie Gene ... and Why Guys Cannot Simultaneously Think and Look At Breasts?" You're in luck! Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys says it all and says it right. Don't try to read it in a quiet public place (unless you LIKE having people stare at you for laughing out loud). As the Miami Herald aptly puts it: "Virtually any one page contains enough hilarity to justify the cost of the book."
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