Deaf People and Society incorporates multiple perspectives related to the topics of psychology, education, and sociology, including the viewpoints of deaf adults themselves. In doing so, it considers the implications of what it means to be deaf or hard of hearing and how deaf adults' lives are impacted by decisions that professionals make, whether in the clinic, the school, or when working with family. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and offers current perspectives on the following topics:
Etiologies of deafness and the identification process
The role of auditory access
Cognition, language, communication, and literacy
Bilingual, bilingual/bimodal, and monolingual approaches to language learning
Educational, legal, and placement aspects
Childhood psychological issues
Psychological and sociological viewpoints of deaf adults
The criminal justice system and deaf people
Psychodynamics of interaction between deaf and hearing people
Each chapter begins with a set of objectives and concludes with suggested readings for further research. This edition contains 10 new and original case studies, including ones on hearing children of deaf adults, sudden hearing loss, a young deaf adult with mental illness, and more. Written by a seasoned deaf/hearing bilingual team, this unique text continues to be the go-to resource for students and future professionals interested in working with deaf and hard-of-hearing persons.