This memoir is a personal tribute from a son to his departed father. It contains a candid confession of how the feelings of ingratitude and taking someone for granted were the hallmarks of the author when he was an immature child and then, a self-absorbed adolescent.
However, the same son, now that he is a grown-up adult has experienced a complete U-turn in his feelings towards his dad (gone to heaven two decades ago in 1999) as he embarked on a very personal journey of self-reflection. This has happened during the three-month interval of April to June 2020, the period of complete lockdown in India at the height of its covid pandemic alert.
And, this self-introspection process let the author to gradually discover a goldmine of sterling virtues in his father- a glimpse of that shining gold is related now in the pages of this book, in a very intimate, first-person style of narrative.
Something in this book is sure to echo with all my dear friends, reading this book. This is because almost all of us have experienced a roller-coaster of ups and downs in our relationship with our father, at some point of time in our own lives. And we have emerged all the better for it.
Hope such resonance will help the readers, to treasure that jewel in their lives called "father", even more. And, that will be the best thing in this world, for there are no greater blessings in this life than our beloved parents.