James Denney was a turn-of-the-century Scottish New Testament scholar, pastor, and theologian who wrote The Death of Christ
This Classic book - The Death of Christ -- introduces and orients the reader to critical biblical/theological thinking from a solid biblical perspective. Denney's presentation is written with a clarity that fosters biblical thought and facilitates Bible comprehension. You won't be disappointed.
James Denney is consistently one of the best Bible scholars and this one is at the top of his writing. He's bold in his writings but solid in Scripture.
It's impossible to measure the influence of Denney over four centuries. His works remain in print and are widely read, which shouldn't surprise us. Many considers him one of the most outstanding pastor, evangelist, and writer on practical and devotional theology of his age.
Denney's greatest contribution to theological literature is in his robust defence of the penal character of the atonement. First expressed in his Studies in Theology, it found its fullest expression in his 1902 work The Death of Christ (London, Hodder and Stoughton, often reprinted). The Atonement and the Modern Mind. Denney insists that the death of Christ cannot be understood unless it is seen as a death for sin, as Christ bearing the penalty in the place of those he came to save.