Deathworld is perhaps Harry Harrison's best known novel and is certainly the book that put him on the map. Jason dinAlt is a daring gambler. He uses his spotty psionic powers to give himself a slight edge in games of chance. After winning a large fortune at the tables, he flees...
In "Deathworld," Harry Harrison masterfully constructs a vivid tapestry of life on a hostile planet, where the environment itself is a formidable antagonist. The novel follows the journey of Jason dinAlt, a gambler with a unique ability to manipulate chance, as he navigates the...
While on a gambling trip to the casino on the planet Cassylia, he is challenged by a man named Kerk Pyrrus (who turns out to be the ambassador from the planet Pyrrus) to turn a large amount of money into an immense sum by gambling at a government-run casino....
Rare edition with unique illustrations and elegant classic cream paper. A legendary science fiction story, this trilogy, brought back into print in one single volume, presents hero Jason dinAlt as he discovers three separate planets. dinAlt finds excitement and intrigue as he...