Innovative, Inspirational, and Above All, Practical and Proven
Crisis Intervention Teams divert people living with mental illness from jail with appropriate alternatives. Decriminalizing Mental Illness offers effective strategies for building a permanent Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program based on a confirmed, easy-to-follow process of capacity building. It will help you:
Establish community networking and fundraising to support your CIT program. Decide the program's scope and structure given your community's unique situation. Implement your process with a checklist of field-proven Effective Practices. Create true collaboration between law enforcement and mental health professionals. Choose the venue, format, and personnel for training those involved. Take your CIT program from conception to a self-sustaining community service.To further increase your odds for success, Decriminalizing Mental Illness introduces MAGNUS-OV A New Wave leadership, based on character development and holistic individual potential.
CIT is the best idea for addressing a major problem for local municipalities--what to do with the mentally ill. Decriminalizing Mental Illness is the most powerful blueprint for getting the job done.
- George F. Breedy, Captain, St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office