Gilles Deleuze was arguably the twentieth century's most spatial philosopher - not only did he contribute to a plethora of new concepts to engage space, space was his very means of doing philosophy. He said everything takes place on a plane of immanence, envisaging a vast desert-like space populated by concepts moving about like nomads. Deleuze made philosophy spatial and gave us the concepts of smooth and striated, nomadic and sedentary, deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation, the fold, as well as many others to enable us to think spatially.
This collection takes up the challenge of thinking spatially by exploring Deleuze's spatial concepts in applied contexts: architecture, cinema, urban planning, political philosophy, and metaphysics. In doing so, it brings together some of the most accomplished Deleuze scholars writing today - R?da Bensma?a, Ian Buchanan, Claire Colebrook, Tom Conley, Manuel DeLanda, Gary Genosko, Gregg Lambert and Nigel Thrift.
Branka Arsic
R?da Bensma?a
Adam Bryx
Ian Buchanan
Tom Conley
Manuel DeLanda
John David Dewsbury
Gregory Flaxman
Gary Genosko
Paul A. Harris
Gregg Lambert