Acclaimed artist Peach Momoko reimagines the Marvel Universe! A wandering swordswoman with a psychic blade arrives at a village targeted by demons. One is black-and-white with a horrifying tongue, and another may be the strongest demon there is! Mariko Yashida hears mysterious...
IN GLORIOUS BLACK AND WHITE Peach Momoko's acclaimed reimagining of the Marvel Universe - now in bold black and white A wandering swordswoman with a psychic blade arrives at a village targeted by demons. One is black and white with a horrifying tongue, and another may be the...
Acclaimed artist Peach Momoko reimagines the Marvel Universe A wandering swordswoman with a psychic blade arrives at a village targeted by demons. One is black-and-white with a horrifying tongue, and another may be the strongest demon there is Mariko Yashida hears mysterious...