Written by Martin Luther in 1529, the Small Catechism provides a brief, clear summary of God's Word on the essentials of the Christian faith. In question-and-answer format, it explores the Six Chief Parts of Christian Doctrine and includes daily prayers, a table of duties...
This is the classic text of Luther's Small Catechism in large print.Martin Luther wrote the small catechism in order to teach Christian doctrine and faith to individuals and families. This small book is a powerful tool for the Christian life because of its brief, clear summary...
Now with an updated, sturdier cover Martin Luther wrote the catechism as a teaching tool of Christian doctrine and faith for individuals and families. It is a powerful tool for the Christian life because of its brief, clear summary of God's Word on the essentials of the...
Dieses Werk ist eine Neuauflage von Martin Luthers kleinem Katechismus, einem wichtigen Grundlagenwerk der protestantischen Theologie. Luther gibt darin eine Einf hrung in die wichtigsten Glaubensgrunds tze und erkl rt die zentralen Begriffe des Christentums. This work...