Are you afraid the planet is drying out from Global Warming? Don't be. This short book explains why the Warming Alarmist position on droughts is upside-down, backwards and inside-out. It all has to do with how land ever gets water. Without warming, all the lands of Earth would be dry as a bone.
Simple Format with Simple, but Compelling FactsChapter 1 presents the Warming Alarmist claim, quoting several sources, and critiquing their statements with critical thinking and logic.Chapter 2 presents the counter-claim, backing it up with quotes and sources.Chapter 3 explains what's really going on in nature, how droughts occur, and our big question--how land ever gets water in the first place.Chapter 4 presents empirical evidence from numerous sources that back up the counter-claim, effectively debunking the Warming Alarmist position
The book also includes sources, notes, video resources and more.
Sequel to #1 Bestselling Book, Climate Basics: Nothing to FearDeserts & Droughts is the next book in the Climate Basics series--based on the #1 Bestseller in Amazon's Science & Math short reads, and #2 Bestseller in Amazon's Weather category--Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear.