I won't bother rehashing what goes on in this or any books in the trilogy, as others have already done so. I admit I approached the trilogy with trepidation, given many of the novels preceding it starting with "Death in Winter" were, frankly, very bad. The "Destiny" trilogy redeemed all that and more. I've been reading Trek books for years and I can honestly say this is the first time I've felt truly invested emotionally...
The Destiny trilogy is the pinnacle of ST novels, combining a suspenful storyline including a REAL Federation-wide threat(for the first time ever in ST literature, no character is safe!) with fantastic characterization for established and new characters. Ever since the Star Trek novel line re-alligned in 2000-2001, the novels have kept a consistant continuity (which still allows readers to "jump in" in jus about every novel,...
I've been selective over the past few years about the new Trek novels I read, and I usually shy away from anything over one novel's worth, but I decided at Shore Leave this year that I would give David Mack's series a try. Glad I did! I suspect that *because* I have not read every single other new Trek novel out there, I may have an advantage over those who have, in that there may be contradictory details I'm thankfully...
This was, quite frankly, one of the best written Star trek books I have ever read. David was able to accurately capture the voices and relational dynamics of some of the most beloved Star Trek Characters. I could not put it down. This man ranks up there with the likes of Peter David and Keith R.A. Decandido. Bravo sir. I look forward to your next book and the next installment of this story.
No book (or series) is ever perfect. But they can reach for it and come awfully close as this series does. What a fantastic and completely satisfying journey. It's not artsy as some Trek books try to be, it's not over intellectual either. To me, it's real; or as real as you can get in a futuristic Sci-Fi universe. The "chasing a fart through a bag of nails" line had me rolling on the floor. Not because I am immature (okay,...