Developing Effective 16-19 Teaching Skills aims to enhance the competence of student- teachers in secondary schools and FE college as they confront sixteen to nineteen teaching for the first time. Based around the new standards set out in Qualifying to Teach and the Fento standards, the book will help student- teachers address the different teaching strategies needed to teach post-sixteen students. The book will also appeal to practising teachers who are looking for a fresh perspective.Full of case studies and questions for reflection, this comprehensive textbook includes chapters on:
sixteen to nineteen teaching contextualized
effectiveness defined
avoiding preconceptions sixteen to nineteen: planning for differentiation
subject expertise
assessment sixteen to nineteen
active learning in the sixteen to nineteen classroom
the importance of the tutor role in sixteen to nineteen teaching
learning with colleagues: developing a career in sixteen to nineteen teaching.
Emphasizing the minimal attention given to sixteen to nineteen teaching in the Standards for Secondary QTS, the book is organized to prompt trainee teachers to draw more fully on sixteen to nineteen evidence and enhance their competence and confidence in teaching that phase. Trainee college teachers are also given a route to meeting the FENTO standards.