Cancer is the second leading cause of death among adults in the United States after heart disease. However, improvements in cancer treatment and earlier detection are leading to growing numbers of cancer survivors. As the number of cancer survivors grows, there is increased interest in how cancer and its treatments may affect a person's ability to work, whether the person has maintained employment throughout the treatment or is returning to work at a previous, current, or new place of employment. Cancer-related impairments and resulting functional limitations may or may not lead to disability as defined by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA), however, adults surviving cancer who are unable to work because of cancer-related impairments and functional limitations may apply for disability benefits from SSA.
At the request of SSA, Diagnosing and Treating Adult Cancers and Associated Impairments provides background information on breast cancer, lung cancer, and selected other cancers to assist SSA in its review of the listing of impairments for disability assessments. This report addresses several specific topics, including determining the latest standards of care as well as new technologies for understanding disease processes, treatment modalities, and the effect of cancer on a person's health and functioning, in order to inform SSA's evaluation of disability claims for adults with cancer.
This paperback had hand written comments and underline text with a pen. Also as I read the first 3 chapters, this is not what advertised. It is not the “story”. Also not “as new condition”.
I loved this book. He has such a way of writing that becomes an inspiration and model to follow if you have any inclination to writing Christian themes, which I do. I think it is an excellent book.
Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, He is and shall always be the only way to the Lord. Buddha cannot help you, the New Age "Goddess" or "God within" cannot help you. Only through the realization that you are (and I am) a sinner, and that you/I need Jesus to set us free, can there be a true road to salvation.Yet it is more than just that. The story of the people, Peter, Judas, John the Beloved One; the story of the places,...
What an awesome work of art. The telling of Christs life and the comparison to our lives today was riviting. This is a book that won't stay on your shelf long because you'll want to lend it out to all of your friends, Christian or otherwise.
This book truly shows the power and "awesomeness" of our Lord and Savior. I think everyone, young and old, should have a chance to read it at least once.