Have you ever wondered why you feel drained and frustrated with your co-workers at the workplace?
Workplace toxicity is more than having a bad day at work or not getting along with your colleagues. Harmful behaviors get in the way of your performance. Some relationships can make you feel psychologically distressed, physically exhausted, or mentally depleted.
Have you experienced intense emotions at work? Or perhaps this title brings unpleasant memories of someone? Working with toxicity is never a pleasant experience; they tend to drain your productivity and ability to function well in the workplace.
Work on yourself so much that all the toxicity doesn't bug you, and learn the following matters:
The real meaning of "surviving" in the workplace.28 Days Workbook Journal Exercise to recognize your values without depending on external opinions.Building a foundation with long-term goals and their importance on personal and career growth.Understand the role of Human Resources in a company.The Social Currency and the importance of finding mentors, sponsors, and advisors.Main differences between Cliques vs. Teams.Burnout Indicators - The 5 rules to treat and prevent burnout.The 10 secrets of coping with failure.The 38 mental ghosts that sabotage life quality.Popular CBT techniques for getting over resentment.For every success, there's a row of failures behind it. Also, you should evaluate your performance thoroughly before your supervisor does. Are you defensive when corrected? Are you nonchalant about your job?
The most common human need is to be heard and understood. Employers and employees want to speak and expect others to hear. So, when you and a co-worker are at odds, learn how to see things from their point of view, letting them speak even if you disagree. Learn from the experiences of others.
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