As digital media and technologies transform the study of the humanities around the world, this volume provides the first hemispheric view of the practice of digital humanities in the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking Americas. These essays examine how participation and research in new media have helped configure identities and collectivities in the region.
Featuring case studies from throughout Latin America, including the United States Latinx community, contributors analyze documentary films, television series, and social media to show how digital technologies create hybrid virtual spaces and facilitate connections across borders. They investigate how Latinx bloggers and online activists navigate governmental restrictions in order to connect with the global online community.
These essays also incorporate perspectives of race, gender, and class that challenge the assumption that technology is a democratizing force.
Contributors: Paul Alonso Morgan Ames Eduard Arriaga Anita Say Chan Ricardo Dominguez Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo H?ctor Fern?ndez L'Hoeste Jennifer M. Lozano Ana L?gia Silva Medeiros Gimena del R?o Riande Juan Carlos Rodr?guez Isabel Galina Russell Angharad Valdivia Anastasia Valecce Cristina Venegas
A volume in the series Reframing Media, Technology, and Culture in Latin/o America, edited by H?ctor Fern?ndez L'Hoeste and Juan Carlos Rodr?guez