"Joseph Harrington is a maestro of hybrid form. His latest book, DISAPPARITIONS, collages politically urgent poetry and prose with an array of sampled and remixed voices that speak from the ghost-margins of our historical moment." -- Tony Trigilio
"What does it mean to listen to the troubled frequencies that haunt this country? Joe Harrington's Disapparitions fine-tunes our attention to the historical intersections of race, surveillance, even the structures of listening itself. Through a mixture of documentary and procedural poems, memoir, and literary/cultural criticism, Harrington offers a necessary diagnosis of our uncanny present moment, in which whiteness speaks through a megaphone but cannot look in the mirror without seeing its own revenant. This book sends out a distress signal, but it's a salutary one. A diagnosis can be the first step toward healing, or a cure." -- Siobh n Scarry
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