When Albert Thweatt began working the night shift in his new job as a paramedic, he realized he would be missing something important. The nightly, family devotionals he had always participated in with his wife and two sons now had to be done without him several nights a week. He hated that he had to miss this special time with his family, so he decided to do something about it. He began writing and emailing devotionals to his wife to be read and discussed with the family. He centered each of these devotionals around one of his favorite subjects and one he knew his family would enjoy as well: Walt Disney World.
Disney Devotionals is a collection of 100 daily devotionals each based on a Walt Disney World ride, show, or other attraction. Each devotional begins with some facts, trivia, and highlights for the Disney attraction, then transitions to a thought or lesson based on the same attraction with Biblical scripture references.
You and your family will enjoy this fun and inspirational collection of devotionals that will stimulate thought, discussion and growth. Journey through each of the four Walt Disney World theme parks to Disney transportation and every ride, show, and attraction in between. You will acquire lots of fun knowledge about Disney as you also learn about the Bible and the valuable lessons within.
Disney Devotionals is a must-have for every family who wants to discover more about Walt Disney World while at the same time gaining valuable Biblical lessons that will help their family grow closer together.
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