Con este libro:
- Aprender s qu estrategia han usado los grandes emprendedores para crecer y cambiar el mundo.
- Conocer s a detalle los secretos que hay detr s de una DISRUPCI N y las herramientas que necesitas aplicar.
- Identificar s por qu las nuevas empresas crecen a trav s de la disrupci n y las grandes s lo crecen comprando m s empresas por el mundo.
- Comprender s el rol que tiene la tecnolog a digital para el crecimiento en productos y en tu dise o de negocio.
- Ver s que cuando integras tecnolog a y resuelves un problema del consumidor, evolucionas.
- Descubrir s por qu los disruptores transforman sus negocios en empresas millonarias en pocos a os.
- Podr s ver tu negocio y las oportunidades del mercado desde una perspectiva como nunca antes la hab as visto.
- Recibir s consejos para pensar como L DER DISRUPTOR y transformar tu empresa.
- Aprender s el algoritmo que debes construir para obtener una DISRUPCI N y c mo aplicarlo en tu empresa.
Durante los pr ximos a os habr un mercado m s complejo y dif cil de conquistar, por eso este libro no es para aquellos que quieren mejorar, es para aquellos que quieren cambiar y reinventarse. Atr vete a cambiar las reglas del juego Por el autor del bestseller El arte de hacer preguntas.
If you are an entrepreneur, a businessperson, a young person who wants to open a business, or the president of a company who wants to find a way to grow and revolutionize the market, The Disruptor is for you.
With this book:- You will learn the strategies great entrepreneurs have used to grow and change the world.
- You will get to know the secrets behind disruption and the tools you need to apply.
- You will identify why new businesses grow through disruption and big ones only grow by buying more companies around the world.
- You will understand the role that digital technology plays in the growth of products and in your business design.
- You will see that when you integrate technology and solve a consumer problem, you evolve.
- You will discover how disruptors transform their businesses into million-dollar businesses in just a few years.
- You will be able to see your business and market opportunities from a perspective you've never seen before.
- You will get advice for thinking like a disruptor leader and transforming your business.
This book isn't for those who just want to improve; it is for those who want to change and reinvent themselves. Dare to change the rules of the game By the author of the bestseller The Art of Asking Questions.