You Can Live Without Fear
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. -- 2 Timothy 1:7
Everyone deals with fear; not everyone conquers it. Throughout our lives we all experience different kinds of fears. Unfortunately, many of us believe the lie that fear is something we have to live with. You don't According to Scripture, God desires every one of His children to be free from fear--including you
In Do Not Be Afraid , Rabbi K.A. Schneider shares personal testimony of how he struggled with, and experienced victory over fear--and how you too can walk in this same supernatural freedom.
This book shows you how to:
Identify and overcome the enemy's number one weapon against believers Unlock the power of God's word to defeat different fears that come against you Pursue freedom as a lifestyle, not a temporary experience Enjoy supernatural peace even while living in a dark worldResist the devil's trap, walk in Jesus' supernatural freedom, and fearlessly step into your destiny