Dog Shaming 2020 Calendar - Dog Shaming Photos - Best of Dog Shaming
Celebrate your love for dogs-and your occasional frustration over their misdeeds-with the Dog Shaming 2020 Calendar.
This dog shaming photos book calendar showcases different dog's photo and shameful story on each page, providing plenty of comic relief and commiseration for dog lovers everywhere. With a variety of dog breeds and humor that's safe for work, Dog Shaming Calendar also make great gifts for family and friends.
30 pages (1 page per month including November and December 2019).All major holidays are listed.Enjoy stunning, full-color photographs of dog shaming photos every single month.Quality and sturdy paper resists curling and ink bleed-through, and durable binding ensures longevity throughout the year.14-month calendar.8.5 x 11 inches size.Perfect gift idea.