Nominated as one of America's best-loved novels by PBS's The Great American Read Don Quixote has become so entranced reading tales of chivalry that he decides to turn knight errant himself. In the company of his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, these exploits blossom in all sorts...
Edith Grossman's definitive English translation of the Spanish masterpiece, in an expanded P.S. edition and with an introduction by Harold Bloom "A major literary achievement."--Carlos Fuentes, New York Times Book Review Widely...
The canonical Spanish classic, now in a beautiful hardcover edition designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith Don Quixote has become so entranced reading tales of chivalry that he decides to turn knight errant himself. In the company of his faithful squire, Sancho Panza,...
Nominada por los estadounidenses como una de las 100 mejores novelas en la serie de PBS The Great American Read La RAE, la ASALE y Alfaguara reeditan la edici n conmemorativa del Quijote con pr logo in dito de Dar o Villanueva EDICION LIMITADA Hace...
Complete and unabridged, Don Quixote is the epic tale of the man from La Mancha and his faithful squire, Sancho Panza. Their picaresque adventures in the world of seventeenth-century Spain form the basis of one of the great treasures of Western literature. In a new translation...
Hailed by Dostoyevsky as "The final and greatest utterance of the human mind," Don Quixote constitutes a founding work of modern Western literature. Cervantes' masterpiece has been translated into more than sixty languages, and the novel's fantasy-driven "knight," Don...
"Don Quixote, a lanky scarecrow of a man with his withered face and lantern jaw, dons his rusty armour and mounts his ramshackle steed, Rozinante. With lance couched he still rides through our lives, followed by his potbellied squire Sancho Panza." With these words, Walter Starkie...
Los mejores libros jam s escritos Edici n de Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, catedr tico de Filolog a Espa ola en la Universidad Aut noma de Madrid Contra cuerdos y contra locos est obligado cualquier caballero andante a volver por la honra de las mujeres...
Don Quixote, originally published in two parts in 1605 and 1615, stands as Cervantes' belated but colossal literary success. A work which has achieved mythic status, it is considered to have pioneered the modern novel. Don Quixote, a poor gentleman from La Mancha, Spain, entranced...
Edith Grossman's definitive English translation of the Spanish masterpiece, in an expanded P.S. edition Widely regarded as one of the funniest and most tragic books ever written, Don Quixote chronicles the adventures of the self-created knight-errant...
Publisheado originalmente en two partes en 1605 y 1615 y often considereado "the first novela moderna," Don Quixote de Miguel de Cervantes es indudablemente el libro m s influencial del canon literario hisp nico. En esta adaptaci n groundbreakeadora, el comentarista...
Complete and unabridged, Don Quixote is the epic tale of the man from La Mancha and his faithful squire, Sancho Panza. Their picaresque adventures in the world of seventeenth-century Spain form the basis of one of the great treasures of Western literature. In a new translation...
Don Quijote and his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, tirelessly roam the fields of Castile. They go in search of adventure, but they also try to remedy the abuses and injustices they encounter on the way. Most of the time things do not go as expected and many times they find themselves...
Descubre con Alfaguara Cl sicos a Don Quijote de la Mancha, el personaje por excelencia de la literatura espa ola adaptado para j venes. Con Pr logo de Fernando Savater Alonso Quijano, m s conocido como Don Quijote de la Mancha, se volvi loco por...
Edith Grossman's definitive English translation of the Spanish masterpiece, now available in a deluxe paperback edition. Widely regarded as the world's first modern novel, and one of the funniest and most tragic books ever written, Don Quixote chronicles the famous picaresque...
&&LDIV&&R&&LDIV&&R&&LI&&RDon Quixote&&L/I&&R, by &&LB&&RMiguel de Cervantes&&L/B&&R, is part of the &&LI&&RBarnes & Noble Classics&&L/I&&R&&LI&&R &&L/I&&Rseries, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship,...