"Don't Necessarily" Trust Me, I'm a Doctor is a healthcare consumer's guide to forging partnerships with trustworthy healthcare providers and avoiding the potentially life-threatening dangers of failing to do so. This includes information that will demystify the confusing nature of medical economics and provide a pathway to obtaining high-quality, evidence-based medical care at a reasonable cost. The earlier chapters define the trust problem and describe the gold standards for trustworthiness in both individuals and institutions in the healthcare industry. Subsequent chapters alert the consumer to the presence and specific characteristics of unreliable or dangerous providers and offer resources to identify and avoid them. The final chapters are devoted to describing the major problems with the current system of medical economics and include practical solutions to many of these difficulties. The primary goal of the book is to empower the American consumer with the information and tools required to become as sophisticated and savvy with their choices of healthcare services and products as they are with their choices of electronics and automobiles.