This book helped me turn around a dying relationship...I had been making mistakes and causing destruction that I never realized...doing everything else except simply being a loving and pleasant things are more amazing than they ever were and all I had to do was change my perspective and my priorities. Reading it and seeing the results of applying the advice has inspired me to seek personal growth in all arenas...
My husband and I started with the first book Don't sweat the small stuff because both of our jobs were the kind were all we did was listen to other people complain and it really gets into your relationship. We loved this book especially. We sit in bed and each read a chapter and then talk about it. Not only are we spending quiet time together but we get to talk about things that you might not ordinarily bring up but you will...
Richard and Kris Carlson have hit the vein of gold with this book. Each chapter is a polished gem of insight and truth. Pointing out the contrast between hurting behavior and loving behavior in such a way that you can't deny it, they give very practical, hands-on tips on how to be a better partner for life. My wife and I read a chapter aloud each day. We want it to stretch out as long as possible. It has already improved...
The short essays are easy to read and offer friendly down to earth suggestions for maintaining a positive outlook. It doesn't matter if you are married 25 years or in a new relationship the book offers timeless advice that is easy to incorporate into the everyday communication that creates the tone of your relationship. Valuable for all.
I like the tone of the book almost as much as the content. The authors don't use psycho-babble, they approach the topic with a good sense of humor, and they share advice in a friendly and non-threatening way. The emphasis is on growth, not perfection. I immmediately found several areas where I had been getting caught up in self-defeating thoughts without realizing it. This is one book I will turn to first and often...