An alien warrior. An astronomer. A mission to obtain a rare substance to get the alien and his crew back home safely. What could go wrong?
Ava is having the best night of her life. The monotony of watching computer screens has changed to extreme excitement when a meteor enters Earth's atmosphere. But when she goes out to inspect the crater, she finds nothing there...nothing but a strange and confused man.
Krom is abruptly awoken from his cryo-sleep when his ship is damaged, and things go from bad to worse when his spacewalk to fix the thrusters ends with him crash-landing on Earth. The Earth woman he meets says she's a scientist, which is great-he needs her to help him obtain one of Earth's most rare and dangerous substances so he can fix his ship and help his crew return home.
But his mission is endangered when he discovers Ava is his fated mate. Now he'll have to protect her from a biker gang, a crime lord, and the Navy SEALs-all while trying to protect his heart. A dragon can only resist for so long until he has no choice than to claim his mate!