Was delivered in perfect condition and very quickly. A must for anyone who wants to have 100% completion of the game.
If you're knee-deep into Dragon Quest and you're thinking about buying this strategy guide, don't hesitate. This is the most well constructed guide I have ever used. There weren't any big spoilers and there wasn't a 'take you by the hand because you don't know how to play games' walkthrough section. This is a great guide. It has all of the items, most of the chest locations, extensive bestiary, great alchemy info that...
This item came very fast and in great condition..i got this item for my brother and it is working just fine and dandy..thank you for your buisness and i hope to do some in the future.
This isn't a typical Strategy Guide. Brady Games took a unique approach to this one. At first I was a bit miffed, but now I like what they've done. They tell you right in the "Introduction" of the book that they're taking a different approach. "In our quest to avoid spoilers, we have left out some information concerning secrets .." & "we wanted to guarantee that players could fully enjoy the intense experience of Dragon...
Like pretty much everyone else who's used this guide, I was quite surprised to open it up and find that it was very lacking in the strategy department. This guide has detailed maps of every area, detailed information about all the characters, info about side quests, and info about all the normal enemies. What it doesn't have is a step-by-step guide on how to play DragonQuest VIII. Unlike most people, however, I discovered...